Dr. Schulze's mission

Dr. Schulze is an American naturopath who, after an intensive self-healing experience in the 1960s, began to help people with his methods.
He studied "Naturopathic Medicine", became a "Naturopathic Doctor" and Master Herbalist at the School of Natural Healing and worked for many years with Dr. John Cristopher, among others.
In 1979 he founded his company to manufacture and distribute his clinically proven compounds. He draws on over 20 years of experience in his own practice with thousands of seriously ill patients and his main focus is not to make empty promises to the customer, but to actually help him: uncompromising quality in every respect.
Here are a few words from him about his mission:
"I would like to offer each person an ALTERNATIVE An alternative to doctors, hospitals, surgical procedures, chemical drugs and the associated physical, emotional and financial bankruptcy caused by this system of Disease MANAGEMENT.
The alternative is health! I like to call it: Creating Powerful Health! It's much more fun, less expensive than managing disease and lets you enjoy life to the fullest. That is why I have been putting my heart and soul into this for over 40 years!
Someone asked me the other day if my company or I had a mission statement, and I said, "I don't need one. There are two reasons for this...First, I am tired of making politically correct mission statements about the environment and about helping others or promising change. I will not let the intelligence of anyone with a good feeling in text form that is not even worth reading, insult.
For example, even if the oil companies' new TV commercials say that everything they are interested in helps the environment, who are they kidding? Why don't they just tell the truth and say they are sucking the lubricant out of the planet and refining it so we can drive cars. And that earns them billions of dollars, causes wars and is toxic and environmentally harmful.
Look, I own a car and I drive it. Sure, we need better, more environmentally friendly solutions. But can we stop all this blah-blah crap and just be honest?
What is the mission of my revolution? The mission is YOU!
Sure, I'm in business to make money, but that's a side effect for me and my work.
At first it wasn't about you, it was just me. I started my research in naturopathy and herbal medicine because I was dying. Doctors said I should have been dead over 40 years ago and I used what I learned to save my ass. So you can bet I'm VERY PASSIONAL about what I do.
However, after I saved myself, I decided to learn more and eventually teach what I had learned so that I could help others heal themselves. This is MY PASSION, and it is what I know and what I do best. So I am VERY PASSIONAL about natural healing!
So when I say "My mission is you", I mean that as a doctor I have ONE GOAL and the goal is: you heal yourself from any illness using natural methods; create powerful health and then maintain that health. That is my goal and that is my mission and that is what this whole revolution is about.
One would not think that this is such a rare commodity these days, but in this world of modern medicine with doctors, medicines and hospitals, a cured patient is money lost. For this reason, a better name for modern health care would be "maintenance industry of diseases", as is the case in the practice of medicine. After all, no one has ever cured his diabetes by taking insulin, or his back with painkillers.
I have researched naturopathy and herbal medicine for over 40 years, taught for over 30 years, and my clinic has been there for three decades for people where I have helped tens of thousands of patients to heal themselves. I haven't forgotten for a minute why I am doing this - what my focus and goal is - YOU are!
I also enjoyed teaching and every summer I spent seminars and semesters at universities all over the world. I have taught many graduates that I have loved, and I have loved to bring them back on track after years of studying medicine. Because after almost a decade of studying anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biochemistry or even botany (not to mention hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with student loans in the USA) they were so exhausted that they could hardly remember why they had chosen this path. So I was always there to remind them that the whole reason for EVERYTHING - THE ONLY REASON - is simply to help people get well."
At first it wasn't about you, it was just me. I started my research in naturopathy and herbal medicine because I was dying. Doctors said I should have been dead over 40 years ago and I used what I learned to save my ass. So you can bet I'm VERY PASSIONAL about what I do.
However, after I saved myself, I decided to learn more and eventually teach what I had learned so that I could help others heal themselves. This is MY PASSION, and it is what I know and what I do best. So I am VERY PASSIONAL about natural healing!
So when I say "My mission is you", I mean that as a doctor I have ONE GOAL and the goal is: you heal yourself from any illness using natural methods; create powerful health and then maintain that health. That is my goal and that is my mission and that is what this whole revolution is about.
One would not think that this is such a rare commodity these days, but in this world of modern medicine with doctors, medicines and hospitals, a cured patient is money lost. For this reason, a better name for modern health care would be "maintenance industry of diseases", as is the case in the practice of medicine. After all, no one has ever cured his diabetes by taking insulin, or his back with painkillers.
I have researched naturopathy and herbal medicine for over 40 years, taught for over 30 years, and my clinic has been there for three decades for people where I have helped tens of thousands of patients to heal themselves. I haven't forgotten for a minute why I am doing this - what my focus and goal is - YOU are!
I also enjoyed teaching and every summer I spent seminars and semesters at universities all over the world. I have taught many graduates that I have loved, and I have loved to bring them back on track after years of studying medicine. Because after almost a decade of studying anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biochemistry or even botany (not to mention hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with student loans in the USA) they were so exhausted that they could hardly remember why they had chosen this path. So I was always there to remind them that the whole reason for EVERYTHING - THE ONLY REASON - is simply to help people get well."
About POWERFULHEALTH.EU - Dr. Schulze in Germany

My name is Sascha Rossaint and I first came into contact with Dr. Schulze's products at the beginning of 2018 when I translated the Australian Michael Roads on one of his courses in Germany and discovered a bottle of Cayenne tincture on his premises.
He explained to me what it is good for and I soon began to try Dr. Schulze's products and was more and more enthusiastic.
The whole thing had the bitter aftertaste, however, that very high shipping costs, import sales tax and customs were always added to every order.
Because I was so enthusiastic about the products I got in contact with the company, flew to LA and had the idea to become the importer for the German speaking countries.
And here we are! I am pleased to finally be able to offer you these great products here. TO OUR HEALTH!